Present and Future Ministries!

Senior Adult Sunday School is taught by Dean Conaway and meets in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am on Sundays.

Our Weekly Worship Service meets in the Sanctuary at 10:30am on Sundays. Our Services feature a mixture of hymns, worship songs, and special musical presentations; and, Bible-based expository preaching through the Books and Doctrines of the Bible by our Pastor.

We are in the beginning stages of a “Revitalization Process” and at least three new and exciting ministries will be starting soon:

Mid-week Prayer and Bible Study led by our Pastor is in the planning stages and will begin soon!

Disciple University offering classes on personal discipleship, spiritual growth, finances, marriage and family, and a Survey of Bible Doctrines led by our Pastor and other qualified teachers are in the planning stages and will begin meeting at 9:30am on Sundays soon!

Children’s and Student Ministries will hopefully begin soon! We are in the process of remodeling our parsonage that will be provided along with a covocational salary package to a Pastor of Children and Student Ministries as soon as the parsonage is ready, and the LORD leads us to HIS person for this new position!